Nozomi Nishizawa

Nozomi Nishizawa

What's NEW

Dr. Nozomi Nishizawa has been promoted to Associate Professor.
Presentations were carried out onhe 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024.
  • Poster"In-vitroexperiments with biological phantom for cancer detection" (Maskey Mike Raj)
  • Poster"Depolarization diagrams for circularly polarized light scattering for biological particle monitoring" (Asato Esumi)
Interpretive article "Non-invasive Diagnosis Technique of Tumor Using Circularly Polarized Scattering (Japanese))" is published on The Journal of Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine 2024 Vo. 45 No. 2.
Our article presented by Nozomi Nishizawa, Asato Esumi, and Yukito Ganko, has been published !!
"Depolarization diagrams for circularly polarized light scattering for biological particle monitoring"
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29 (7), 075001 (2024).
Presentations were carried out on The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024.
  • Oral"Incident polarization conditions for polarimetric visualization of cancer tissue by using near-infrared polarization probe polarization imaging"(Collaboration research with Nagaoka University of Technology)
  • Poster"Depth estimation of cancer invasion with polarization probe S3 imaging using scattering of circularly polarized light" (Maskey Mike Raj)
  • Poster"Circular polarization measurement of transmitted and scattered light"(Yutaro Utsumi)
  • Poster"Monte Carlo simulation for fine particle evaluation using transmitted scattered light of circularly polarized light"(Asato Esumi)
  • Poster"Monte Carlo simulation for non-invasive leukocyte measurements using scattering of circularly polarized light"(Yukito Ganko)
2024/03/20Invited Presentation
Invited presentation entitled "Spin angular momentum conversion between electrons and light on spin-photonic devices and its applications" on Special Program : Luminescence Chemistry Ensemble: The Future of Science and Technology Associated with Spin, Electron, and Photon in The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting(2024)
Poster presentation on 2023 Annual Research Report Conference of the Cooperative Reseach Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
Our lab B4 members gave presentations in the oral examinations of graduation research.
Poster presentation titled "Experimental detection of scirrhous gastric cancer using scattering of circularly polarized light" on ISBE2023(The 8th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering) @ Higashi-Hirosima campus in Hiroshima university.
Our patent "Endoscope Tip Device" is registered on the Resister of the Japan Patent Office(Patent-JP No. 7352251)。
Oral presentation entitled "Scirrhous gastric cancer detection using scattering of circularly polarized light" was done on The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting @ Kumamoto-jo Hall.
Congratulations!! Two members in our lab. passed the graduate school entrance exam. Wishing your best in the graduate school.
Poster presentation titled "Experimental estimation of cancer invasion depth using scattering of circularly polarized light" on SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 @ San Diego, USA
Poster presentation @ SPIE Optics + Photonics
Oral presentation titled "Depth estimation of cancer invasion using scattering of circularly polarized light" on The 36th Kitasato-univ. Bio-Science Forum @ Kitasato university
Proceeding paper "Experimental depth estimation of cancer invasion via circularly polarized light scattering" is published on Proceedings of SPIE 12628, 1262814 (2023).
Oral presentation titled "Experimental depth estimation of cancer invasion via circularly polarized light scattering" on European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO2023) @ Munchen, Germany
Interpretive article "Circularly Polarized Light Source and Detection Technique for Cancer Estimation (Japanese))" is published on KOGAKU(Japanese Journal of Optics) 2023-May by the Optical Society of Japan
We Update our Member list.

Research introduction (in Japanese)
