Nozomi Nishizawa

Nozomi Nishizawa


Nozomi Nishizawa (Ph. D.)

  1. Lecturer
  2. Laboratory of Biophysics,
  3. School of Science, Kitasato university
  4. Ph. D.,Engineering, 2008, Tsukuba University, Japan
  5. Research Field: Spintoronics, Photonics, Biological engineering
  1. External links of my profile
    Research map ORCID Web of Science
  2. Acadeic links of my profile
    T2R2 (~2022)

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Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
  1. FY2022 - FY2024 Scientific Research (B) Principal Investigator
    Project Number:22H03921
  2. FY2019 - FY2021 Scientific Research (B) Principal Investigator
    Project Number:19H04441
  3. FY2018 - FY2020 Scientific Research(A) Co-Investigator
    Project Number:18H03878
  4. FY2017 - FY2018 Young Scientists(B) Principal Investigator
    Project Number:17K14104
Sponsored Research Program(Govenmental)
  1. FY2017 the Matching Planner program  Co-Investigator
    Project Number:JY290153
    funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
    "Development of pure circularly polarized light emitting diodes"
  2. FY2016 the Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE) Principal Investigator
    Project Number:162103004
    funded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
    "Research developments of circularly polarized intercommunication system for positive usage of polarization properties on optical communications"
Research Grant(Foundation)
  1. FY2022 R4 Uehara Memorial Foundation, Research Grant
    Principal Investigator
    "Development of in vivo canecr evaluasiton technique using circularly polarized light scattering"
  2. FY2018 Futaba Foundation, Natural Research Grant
    Principal Investigator
    "Development of novel canecr diagnosis technique using circularly polarized light-emitting diodes"
  3. FY2017 Muratra Science Foundation, Research Grant
    Principal Investigator
    "Development of practical circularly polarized light source with Spin-LEDs"
the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
  1. FY2022 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (Domestic A) Principal Investigator
    "Developments of novel cancer estimation technique using circularly polarized light scattering"
  2. FY2021 R3 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering Principal Investigator
    "Need survey of circularly polarized light emitting diodes toward biosensing"
  3. FY2020 R2 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering Principal Investigator
    "Need survey of circularly polarized light emitting diodes toward biosensing"
  4. FY2019 H31 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering Principal Investigator
    "Need survey of circularly polarized light emitting diodes toward biosensing"
  5. FY2018 H30 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering Co-Investigator
    "Need survey of circularly polarized light emitting diodes toward biosensing"
  6. FY2017 H29 the Cooperative Research Project of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering Co-Investigator
    "Need survey of circularly polarized light emitting diodes toward biosensing"
  1. FY2019 a Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research, Organization of Fundamental Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) Principal Investigator
    "Basic research for optical identification of biological tissues with multi-wavelength and multi-polarization light"

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